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Monday, December 20, 2010

Your Cash Group

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Hi Friends,

Perhaps, you can benefit from our response to a member who inquired about the BEST way to get income growing from the internet:

Hi friends,

I appreciate your vote of confidence in asking for my honest opinion.

Honestly, there is no way to get QUICK money without one of two things:

1. A butt load of FREE advertising TIME and EFFORTS

2. A steady investment in PAID advertising to see results

There are no two ways around it. If I were starting out NEW, I'd start by
building a list of referrals in a few good paying programs:

1. One with a very low start up cost to get people into profit quickly.

2. The other with a much higher investment and a much higher commission
to earn lifestyle changing money relatively quickly.

Its not the easiest thing to do, but it will pay you the most over a long haul.

Sure, it will cost you a butt load of money if you don't have the time or the
patience to do a lot of FREE advertising stuff, but on the average, for every
person you get on your referral list in good paying programs, they will pay you
$2.00 per month over time by being able to get more and more of them to
upgrade and perhaps follow you into other programs you are promoting which
will give you the steady income you seek.

That's it in a nutshell!

You get a different FREE advertising method every 7 days!


Other PayPal Money:

The Top 10 Best Double Optin Traffic Sources:


Your Cash Group

Turn A ONE-TIME $3.00 Outlay Into A Lifetime Income:

Let Us Do All The Work To Build YOUR Tampogo Income:

USA Members: Earn Up To $15.00/Hour Working As A
TeleInfo Caller. There is NO selling! NO money is needed!
Get PAID For The Training! Get Started TODAY!
Serious Inquiries By Email Only:

Hi Curtis,

I joined YCG back in June and paid my $2 to my sponsor and $1 admin fee for Level 1. I really haven't done much since then due to medical problems.

Now that I'm over my medical issues, I'm ready to make some money with you. Give me your best and fastest recommendation to start bring in some cash online.

I'm not necessarily just talking about YCG here. I know you're involved in other things, so let me in on where to go from here. I want your honest opinion.

Thanks Curtis!



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Right now in my opinion, the highest potential for IMMEDIATE lifestyle changing
earnings is building a downline with Lightyear Wireless since you live in the USA.

As a Senior Manager for the $299.00 fee, that will plug you into the ability to
get people under you who will help build your income much FASTER.

EXAMPLE: We started Lightyear in May, and now have over 600 reps and
2000 wireless customers in our downline.

As a Lightyear Vice President now, for everyone that comes onto our team UNDER
OTHERS, that's $100.00 TO US from Lightyear:

10 REPS pays us $1000.00
100 REPS pays us $10,000.00
1000 REPS pays us $100.000.00

Most of those 600 reps we have now, came in before we got promoted the first time
from the advertising work we did when we first got started back in May and June.

We just got promoted to Vice President the end of last month, so the advertising we
are doing today, will be paying off in 3 to 4 months from now as more and more of those
type of rep numbers will start coming into our Vice President organization under the reps
we are sponsoring and helping to get started, TODAY!

But, we paid over $450.00 in advertising back in April, May and June to get a list of 1200
people to opt in, and of those who opted in, only 6 joined Lightyear. But, from those first
6, ONE LEG produced most of those 600 we have TODAY.

We paid out that money in advertising, BEFORE we even started earning ANY MONEY, because
we had NO ONE on our team until June.

See how that advertising investment and future downline building works when you allow
TIME for your business to develop and grow?

The INCOME comes most of the time, months and months AFTER the ADVERTISING efforts and/or investment.

That's why most people never earn much money online. When they don't see any IMMEDIATE results for the advertising efforts or the advertising money they are putting out TODAY, they QUIT ADVERTISING before their momentum starts to kick in from people coming in TODAY, and invariable a few of them start working to build others under them, sometimes months from now!

If you join Lightyear on our team, we will put you on a rotator on our Your Cash Group site to help you build your referrals to get you promoted up to that kind of team bonus money as quick as possible.

But, here again, we will HELP you! You must also put out some certified advertising efforts for your business to develop and grow over time.

Another good way to do that is with SIZZLE CARDS. Anyone can put out 1000 to 1500 cards in a few weeks with consistent efforts.

Go to this link to accept our 1000 Cards Challenge after you join Lightyear:

If you have more money then time to do FREE advertising, in addition, I would recommend this program:

These guys will follow up on your leads by phone to close your leads for you and pay you $200.00 per sale!

Here again, you will need money (or time) to advertise, about $50.00 per 100 leads or $2.00 per lead, but at least that will give you GUARANTEED raw leads growth on a steady bases to build your list of people to draw income from in the months ahead.

They will even make calls to back-end your sales from their site into Lightyear for 25% of your initial $100.00 Senior Manager, $150.00 Regional Manager, or $200.00 Vice-President Fast Start Bonus money per rep, if you want them to.

A Few More Important Notes:

You can also visit this link for the NEW details for upgrading to Level-2 or above using the "Bypass To The Cash" option:

If you are l@@King for BIG money FAST, we suggest you consider getting added to the first 3 Levels, with our $299.00 Single Payment Option.

This option is mainly for those who live in the USA, but it is also for international members and a good option for those who don't have ANY money to upgrade, since they will earn a $25.00 bounty
payment for the USA members they sponsor in YCG, and they upgrade in Lightyear under someone else.

Follow this link for the details:

There is also a 70 in 7 link in the members area that will allow you to sponsor 70 referrals in 7 weeks by following our FREE Advertising Course.

You get a different FREE advertising method every 7 days!


Other PayPal Money:

The Top 10 Best Double Optin Traffic Sources:


Your Cash Group

Turn A ONE-TIME $3.00 Outlay Into A Lifetime Income:

Let Us Do All The Work To Build YOUR Tampogo Income:

USA Members: Earn Up To $15.00/Hour Working As A
TeleInfo Caller. There is NO selling! NO money is needed!
Get PAID For The Training! Get Started TODAY!
Serious Inquiries By Email Only:


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