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Saturday, December 4, 2010

T-shrits Designs


Project Proposal

I. Project Proposed : Advertising Agencies In india

II. Description of project in brief :

Advertising has become a very instrumental way for organizations to communicate to the customers in an effective way in today`s competitive environment. Getting the best out of advertising is a highly skilled job. It requires the inputs of experts in many different fields like writers, artists, photographers, designers, television production crews and many.

Advertising agencies serve the purpose of creating, planning and handling the advertisements. This study is about understanding how advertising agencies work, what its role is and how it functions and what benefits it offers.

Advertising agencies are primarily responsible for two functions. The first is the production of advertising materials in the form of written copy, art, graphics, audio, and video. The second is the strategic placement of the finished creative product in various media outlets, such as periodicals, newspapers, radio, and television.

This project will mainly help one to obtain complete information about the different departments that prevails in an advertising agency like creative department, media department event management and services department, radio and TV production broadcast department, print production department. The report will also put some light on the types of different agencies like full service agencies, modular agencies, in house agencies etc. typical work flow in the advertisement agencies. The report will also focus on the role of information technology used in advertising agencies i.e. the use of the software like corel draw, adope flash, maya etc.

III. Objective of the project :

· To know the role played by the different departments in an advertising agencies .

· To know the roles and functions played by advertising agencies.

IV. Methodology:

Secondary data collection, which will be collected from the Internet, from magazines and also from newspapers.

V. Schedule :

Project Proposal 20th August 2009

Interim Report 12th December 2009

Final Report 13th March 2010

VI. Limitations of the study :

Following are the limitations of the study

· No primary research will be done

· Report will be based only on one advertising agencies i.e O & M

VII. References:


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