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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Java Interviews Questions

what is software testing?


Software Testing is process to run perticular application or software in intend to find bug

Answered By: Rajesh Date: 7/9/2007

Software testing is a process of evaluating a system by manual or automatic means and verify that it satifies the specified requrments or identify the differences between expected result and actual result.

Answered By: shanmugapriya Date: 7/9/2007

software testing:- software testing is a process of executing an apllication with an intent of finding bugs.

Answered By: swathi Date: 7/11/2007

Software testing means testing a product in a proper way..... It is very essentical to test a product bcoz to make bug free product..

Answered By: Praveen Date: 7/17/2007

Software Testing is the process of identifying every convincible fault or weakness in a work product. It is the process of executing a program with the intend of finding errors.

Answered By: Pradnya Date: 7/18/2007

software testing is procedure to reduce the no of defects and to deliver a quality product to the customers

Answered By: shrija Date: 7/25/2007

Software testing is a process of making a product free from bugs by following manual or automation methods.

Answered By: Ramesh Date: 7/27/2007

Software Testing is a process to identify the defect to make the product bug free.

Answered By: Preeti Date: 7/30/2007

It is the process of finding undetected Errors

Answered By: Sangeetha Date: 7/29/2007

software testing is the prosses where the defect is identified,isolated,subjected for rectification and see that the product is deffect free for the customers satisfaction.

Answered By: settipalli Date: 7/31/2007

Software testing is to ensure that the software performs as intended and to improve quality,reliabilityand maintainability

Answered By: Sha Date: 9/11/2007

It is process to finding bugs as soon as possible and track it till it get fixed.

Answered By: TARUN SATIJA Date: 9/30/2007

software testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors.a good test case is one that has the maximum probability of finding error.

Answered By: shabnam Date: 10/22/2007

software testing is a process of verification and validation the application or program

Answered By: Ranjith kumar Date: 11/9/2007

software testing is the measure of deviation of actual result from the expected result.

Answered By: nagaraj Date: 12/6/2007

Software testing is the process used to help identify the correctness,completeness,security and quality of developed computer software.

Answered By: kohila Date: 1/3/2008



What is the difference between Master Test Plan and Test Plan? Do we really require two Test Plans? Please explain in detail?


Sometimes for a large project the organization may have a Matser teat plan and for phase testing efforts level test plans which are the subsets derived in MTP, having references to MTP

The Master Test Plan explains the methods, procedures, and approach that the co. employs in the verification and validation of an internally developed, Third Party Vendor, or Third Party Vendor Modified application or product.

The purpose of the Test Plan is to gather all of the information necessary to plan and control the test effort for a given iteration. It describes the approach to testing the software, and is the top-level plan generated and used by managers to direct the test effort.


What did you do as a team leader?


The roles of a lead1) Before the project gets started, will conduct one team meeting and discuss briefly about the upcoimg project2) will distribute the work among the team members and let them know which part of th eapplication they are going to test3) daily status reports from the team members to know the status 4) will participate in meetings and technical discussions with TPm/PM5) will collect all the project related issues and will escalte to PM/TPM int time6) wil collect all the issues or doubts regarding poject on daily basis from the team members.7) will make sure everyone in the team understand about their module8) will see teh amount of work distribution is impartial.

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What is Collection API ?
The Collection API is a set of classes and interfaces that support operation on collections of objects. These classes and interfaces are more flexible, more powerful, and more regular than the vectors, arrays, and hashtables if effectively replaces.
Example of classes: HashSet, HashMap, ArrayList, LinkedList, TreeSet and TreeMap.
Example of interfaces: Collection, Set, List and Map.

Is Iterator a Class or Interface? What is its use?
Answer: Iterator is an interface which is used to step through the elements of a Collection.

What is similarities/difference between an Abstract class and Interface?
Differences are as follows:
Interfaces provide a form of multiple inheritance. A class can extend only one other class. Interfaces are limited to public methods and constants with no implementation. Abstract classes can have a partial implementation, protected parts, static methods, etc.
A Class may implement several interfaces. But in case of abstract class, a class may extend only one abstract class. Interfaces are slow as it requires extra indirection to to find corresponding method in in the actual class. Abstract classes are fast.

Neither Abstract classes or Interface can be instantiated.

Java Interview Questions - How to define an Abstract class?
A class containing abstract method is called Abstract class. An Abstract class can't be instantiated.
Example of Abstract class:
abstract class testAbstractClass {
protected String myString;
public String getMyString() {
return myString;
public abstract string anyAbstractFunction();

How to define an Interface in Java ?
In Java Interface defines the methods but does not implement them. Interface can include constants. A class that implements the interfaces is bound to implement all the methods defined in Interface.
Emaple of Interface:

public interface sampleInterface {
public void functionOne();

public long CONSTANT_ONE = 1000;

If a class is located in a package, what do you need to change in the OS environment to be able to use it?

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You need to add a directory or a jar file that contains the package directories to the CLASSPATH environment variable. Let's say a class Employee belongs to a package; and is located in the file c:\dev\com\xyz\hr\ In this case, you'd need to add c:\dev to the variable CLASSPATH. If this class contains the method main(), you could test it from a command prompt window as follows:

How many methods in the Serializable interface?
There is no method in the Serializable interface. The Serializable interface acts as a marker, telling the object serialization tools that your class is serializable.

How many methods in the Externalizable interface?
There are two methods in the Externalizable interface. You have to implement these two methods in order to make your class externalizable. These two methods are readExternal() and writeExternal().

What is the difference between Serializalble and Externalizable interface?
When you use Serializable interface, your class is serialized automatically by default. But you can override writeObject() and readObject() two methods to control more complex object serailization process. When you use Externalizable interface, you have a complete control over your class's serialization process.

What is a transient variable in Java?
A transient variable is a variable that may not be serialized. If you don't want some field to be serialized, you can mark that field transient or static.

Which containers use a border layout as their default layout?
The Window, Frame and Dialog classes use a border layout as their default layout.

How are Observer and Observable used?
Objects that subclass the Observable class maintain a list of observers. When an Observable object is updated, it invokes the update() method of each of its observers to notify the observers that it has changed state. The Observer interface is implemented by objects that observe Observable objects.

What is Java?
Java is an object-oriented programming language developed initially by James Gosling and colleagues at Sun Microsystems. The language, initially called Oak (named after the oak trees outside Gosling's office), was intended to replace C++, although the feature set better resembles that of Objective C. Java should not be confused with JavaScript, which shares only the name and a similar C-like syntax. Sun Microsystems currently maintains and updates Java regularly.

What does a well-written OO program look like?
A well-written OO program exhibits recurring structures that promote abstraction, flexibility, modularity and elegance.

Can you have virtual functions in Java?
Yes, all functions in Java are virtual by default. This is actually a pseudo trick question because the word "virtual" is not part of the naming convention in Java (as it is in C++, C-sharp and VB.NET), so this would be a foreign concept for someone who has only coded in Java. Virtual functions or virtual methods are functions or methods that will be redefined in derived classes.

Jack developed a program by using a Map container to hold key/value pairs. He wanted to make a change to the map. He decided to make a clone of the map in order to save the original data on side. What do you think of it? ?
If Jack made a clone of the map, any changes to the clone or the original map would be seen on both maps, because the clone of Map is a shallow copy. So Jack made a wrong decision.

What is more advisable to create a thread, by implementing a Runnable interface or by extending Thread class?
Strategically speaking, threads created by implementing Runnable interface are more advisable. If you create a thread by extending a thread class, you cannot extend any other class. If you create a thread by implementing Runnable interface, you save a space for your class to extend another class now or in future.

What is NullPointerException and how to handle it?

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When an object is not initialized, the default value is null. When the following things happen, the NullPointerException is thrown:
--Calling the instance method of a null object.
--Accessing or modifying the field of a null object.
--Taking the length of a null as if it were an array.
--Accessing or modifying the slots of null as if it were an array.
--Throwing null as if it were a Throwable value.
The NullPointerException is a runtime exception. The best practice is to catch such exception even if it is not required by language design.

An application needs to load a library before it starts to run, how to code?
One option is to use a static block to load a library before anything is called. For example,
class Test {
static {
When you call new Test(), the static block will be called first before any initialization happens. Note that the static block position may matter.

How could Java classes direct program messages to the system console, but error messages, say to a file?
The class System has a variable out that represents the standard output, and the variable err that represents the standard error device. By default, they both point at the system console. This how the standard output could be re-directed:
Stream st = new Stream(new FileOutputStream("output.txt")); System.setErr(st); System.setOut(st);

What's the difference between an interface and an abstract class?
An abstract class may contain code in method bodies, which is not allowed in an interface. With abstract classes, you have to inherit your class from it and Java does not allow multiple inheritance. On the other hand, you can implement multiple interfaces in your class.

Name the containers which uses Border Layout as their default layout?
Containers which uses Border Layout as their default are: window, Frame and Dialog classes.

What do you understand by Synchronization?
Synchronization is a process of controlling the access of shared resources by the multiple threads in such a manner that only one thread can access one resource at a time. In non synchronized multithreaded application, it is possible for one thread to modify a shared object while another thread is in the process of using or updating the object's value.
Synchronization prevents such type of data corruption.
E.g. Synchronizing a function:
public synchronized void Method1 () {
// Appropriate method-related code.
E.g. Synchronizing a block of code inside a function:
public myFunction (){
synchronized (this) {
// Synchronized code here.

What is synchronization and why is it important?
With respect to multithreading, synchronization is the capability to control the access of multiple threads to shared resources. Without synchronization, it is possible for one thread to modify a shared object while another thread is in the process of using or updating that object's value. This often causes dirty data and leads to significant errors.

What are synchronized methods and synchronized statements?
Synchronized methods are methods that are used to control access to a method or an object. A thread only executes a synchronized method after it has acquired the lock for the method's object or class. Synchronized statements are similar to synchronized methods. A synchronized statement can only be executed after a thread has acquired the lock for the object or class referenced in the synchronized statement.

What are three ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state?
A thread can enter the waiting state by invoking its sleep() method, by blocking on IO, by unsuccessfully attempting to acquire an object's lock, or by invoking an object's wait() method. It can also enter the waiting state by invoking its (deprecated) suspend() method.

Can a lock be acquired on a class?
Yes, a lock can be acquired on a class. This lock is acquired on the class's Class object.

What's new with the stop(), suspend() and resume() methods in JDK 1.2?
The stop(), suspend() and resume() methods have been deprecated in JDK 1.2.

What is the preferred size of a component?
The preferred size of a component is the minimum component size that will allow the component to display normally.

What's the difference between J2SDK 1.5 and J2SDK 5.0?
There's no difference, Sun Microsystems just re-branded this version.

What would you use to compare two String variables - the operator == or the method equals()?
I'd use the method equals() to compare the values of the Strings and the == to check if two variables point at the same instance of a String object.

What is thread?
A thread is an independent path of execution in a system.

What is multi-threading?
Multi-threading means various threads that run in a system.

How does multi-threading take place on a computer with a single CPU?
The operating system's task scheduler allocates execution time to multiple tasks. By quickly switching between executing tasks, it creates the impression that tasks execute sequentially.

How to create a thread in a program?
You have two ways to do so. First, making your class "extends" Thread class. Second, making your class "implements" Runnable interface. Put jobs in a run() method and call start() method to start the thread.

Can Java object be locked down for exclusive use by a given thread?
Yes. You can lock an object by putting it in a "synchronized" block. The locked object is inaccessible to any thread other than the one that explicitly claimed it.

Can each Java object keep track of all the threads that want to exclusively access to it?
Yes. Use Thread.currentThread() method to track the accessing thread.

Does it matter in what order catch statements for FileNotFoundException and IOExceptipon are written?
Yes, it does. The FileNoFoundException is inherited from the IOException. Exception's subclasses have to be caught first.

What invokes a thread's run() method?
After a thread is started, via its start() method of the Thread class, the JVM invokes the thread's run() method when the thread is initially executed

What is the purpose of the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods?
The wait(),notify(), and notifyAll() methods are used to provide an efficient way for threads to communicate each other.

What are the high-level thread states?
The high-level thread states are ready, running, waiting, and dead.

What is the difference between yielding and sleeping?
When a task invokes its yield() method, it returns to the ready state. When a task invokes its sleep() method, it returns to the waiting state.

What happens when a thread cannot acquire a lock on an object?
If a thread attempts to execute a synchronized method or synchronized statement and is unable to acquire an object's lock, it enters the waiting state until the lock becomes available.

What is the difference between Process and Thread?
A process can contain multiple threads. In most multithreading operating systems, a process gets its own memory address space; a thread doesn't. Threads typically share the heap belonging to their parent process. For instance, a JVM runs in a single process in the host O/S. Threads in the JVM share the heap belonging to that process; that's why several threads may access the same object. Typically, even though they share a common heap, threads have their own stack space. This is how one thread's invocation of a method is kept separate from another's. This is all a gross oversimplification, but it's accurate enough at a high level. Lots of details differ between operating systems. Process vs. Thread A program vs. similar to a sequential program an run on its own vs. Cannot run on its own Unit of allocation vs. Unit of execution Have its own memory space vs. Share with others Each process has one or more threads vs. Each thread belongs to one process Expensive, need to context switch vs. Cheap, can use process memory and may not need to context switch More secure. One process cannot corrupt another process vs. Less secure. A thread can write the memory used by another thread

Can an inner class declared inside of a method access local variables of this method?
It's possible if these variables are final.

What can go wrong if you replace &emp;&emp; with &emp; in the following code: String a=null; if (a!=null && a.length()>10) {...}
A single ampersand here would lead to a NullPointerException.

What is the Vector class?
The Vector class provides the capability to implement a growable array of objects

What modifiers may be used with an inner class that is a member of an outer class?
A (non-local) inner class may be declared as public, protected, private, static, final, or abstract.

If a method is declared as protected, where may the method be accessed?
A protected method may only be accessed by classes or interfaces of the same package or by subclasses of the class in which it is declared.

What is an Iterator interface?
The Iterator interface is used to step through the elements of a Collection.

How many bits are used to represent Unicode, ASCII, UTF-16, and UTF-8 characters?
Unicode requires 16 bits and ASCII require 7 bits. Although the ASCII character set uses only 7 bits, it is usually represented as 8 bits. UTF-8 represents characters using 8, 16, and 18 bit patterns. UTF-16 uses 16-bit and larger bit patterns.

What's the main difference between a Vector and an ArrayList?
Java Vector class is internally synchronized and ArrayList is not.

What are wrapped classes?
Wrapped classes are classes that allow primitive types to be accessed as objects.

Does garbage collection guarantee that a program will not run out of memory?
No, it doesn't. It is possible for programs to use up memory resources faster than they are garbage collected. It is also possible for programs to create objects that are not subject to garbage collection.

What is the difference between preemptive scheduling and time slicing?
Under preemptive scheduling, the highest priority task executes until it enters the waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence. Under time slicing, a task executes for a predefined slice of time and then reenters the pool of ready tasks. The scheduler then determines which task should execute next, based on priority and other factors.

Name Component subclasses that support painting ?
The Canvas, Frame, Panel, and Applet classes support painting.

What is a native method?
A native method is a method that is implemented in a language other than Java.

How can you write a loop indefinitely?
for(;;)--for loop; while(true)--always true, etc.

Can an anonymous class be declared as implementing an interface and extending a class?
An anonymous class may implement an interface or extend a superclass, but may not be declared to do both.

What is the purpose of finalization?
The purpose of finalization is to give an unreachable object the opportunity to perform any cleanup processing before the object is garbage collected.

When should the method invokeLater()be used?
This method is used to ensure that Swing components are updated through the event-dispatching thread.

How many methods in Object class?
This question is not asked to test your memory. It tests you how well you know Java. Ten in total.
equals() & hashcode()
wait() & notify()

How does Java handle integer overflows and underflows?
It uses low order bytes of the result that can fit into the size of the type allowed by the operation.

What is the numeric promotion?
Numeric promotion is used with both unary and binary bitwise operators. This means that byte, char, and short values are converted to int values before a bitwise operator is applied.
If a binary bitwise operator has one long operand, the other operand is converted to a long value.
The type of the result of a bitwise operation is the type to which the operands have been promoted. For example:
short a = 5;
byte b = 10;
long c = 15;
The type of the result of (a+b) is int, not short or byte. The type of the result of (a+c) or (b+c) is long.

Is the numeric promotion available in other platform?
Yes. Because Java is implemented using a platform-independent virtual machine, bitwise operations always yield the same result, even when run on machines that use radically different CPUs.

What is the difference between the Boolean & operator and the && operator?
If an expression involving the Boolean & operator is evaluated, both operands are evaluated. Then the & operator is applied to the operand. When an expression involving the && operator is evaluated, the first operand is evaluated. If the first operand returns a value of true then the second operand is evaluated. The && operator is then applied to the first and second operands. If the first operand evaluates to false, the evaluation of the second operand is skipped.
Operator & has no chance to skip both sides evaluation and && operator does. If asked why, give details as above.

When is the ArithmeticException throwQuestion: What is the GregorianCalendar class?
The GregorianCalendar provides support for traditional Western calendars.

What is the SimpleTimeZone class?
The SimpleTimeZone class provides support for a Gregorian calendar.

How can a subclass call a method or a constructor defined in a superclass?
Use the following syntax: super.myMethod(); To call a constructor of the superclass, just write super(); in the first line of the subclass's constructor.

What is the Properties class?
The properties class is a subclass of Hashtable that can be read from or written to a stream. It also provides the capability to specify a set of default values to be used.

What is the purpose of the Runtime class?
The purpose of the Runtime class is to provide access to the Java runtime system.

What is the purpose of the System class?
The purpose of the System class is to provide access to system resources.

What is the purpose of the finally clause of a try-catch-finally statement?
The finally clause is used to provide the capability to execute code no matter whether or not an exception is thrown or caught.

What is the Locale class?
The Locale class is used to tailor program output to the conventions of a particular geographic, political, or cultural region.

What is an abstract method?
An abstract method is a method whose implementation is deferred to a subclass. Or, a method that has no implementation.

What is the difference between interface and abstract class?
interface contains methods that must be abstract; abstract class may contain concrete methods. interface contains variables that must be static and final; abstract class may contain non-final and final variables. members in an interface are public by default, abstract class may contain non-public members. interface is used to "implements"; whereas abstract class is used to "extends". interface can be used to achieve multiple inheritance; abstract class can be used as a single inheritance. interface can "extends" another interface, abstract class can "extends" another class and "implements" multiple interfaces. interface is absolutely abstract; abstract class can be invoked if a main() exists. interface is more flexible than abstract class because one class can only "extends" one super class, but "implements" multiple interfaces. If given a choice, use interface instead of abstract class.

What is a static method?
A static method is a method that belongs to the class rather than any object of the class and doesn't apply to an object or even require that any objects of the class have been instantiated.

What is a protected method?
A protected method is a method that can be accessed by any method in its package and inherited by any subclass of its class.

What is the difference between a static and a non-static inner class?
A non-static inner class may have object instances that are associated with instances of the class's outer class. A static inner class does not have any object instances.

What is an object's lock and which object's have locks?
An object's lock is a mechanism that is used by multiple threads to obtain synchronized access to the object. A thread may execute a synchronized method of an object only after it has acquired the object's lock. All objects and classes have locks. A class's lock is acquired on the class's Class object.

When can an object reference be cast to an interface reference?
An object reference can be cast to an interface reference when the object implements the referenced interface.

What is the difference between a Window and a Frame?
The Frame class extends Window to define a main application window that can have a menu bar.

What is the difference between a Window and a Frame?
Heavy weight components like Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), depend on the local windowing toolkit. For example, java.awt.Button is a heavy weight component, when it is running on the Java platform for Unix platform, it maps to a real Motif button. In this relationship, the Motif button is called the peer to the java.awt.Button. If you create two Buttons, two peers and hence two Motif Buttons are also created. The Java platform communicates with the Motif Buttons using the Java Native Interface. For each and every component added to the application, there is an additional overhead tied to the local windowing system, which is why these components are called heavy weight.

Which package has light weight components?
javax.Swing package. All components in Swing, except JApplet, JDialog, JFrame and JWindow are lightweight components.

What are peerless components?
The peerless components are called light weight components.

What is the difference between the Font and FontMetrics classes?
The FontMetrics class is used to define implementation-specific properties, such as ascent and descent, of a Font object

What is the difference between the Reader/Writer class hierarchy and the InputStream/OutputStream class hierarchy?
The Reader/Writer class hierarchy is character-oriented, and the InputStream/OutputStream class hierarchy is byte-oriented.

What classes of exceptions may be caught by a catch clause?
A catch clause can catch any exception that may be assigned to the Throwable type. This includes the Error and Exception types.

What is the difference between throw and throws keywords?
The throw keyword denotes a statement that causes an exception to be initiated. It takes the Exception object to be thrown as argument. The exception will be caught by an immediately encompassing try-catch construction or propagated further up the calling hierarchy.
The throws keyword is a modifier of a method that designates that exceptions may come out of the method, either by virtue of the method throwing the exception itself or because it fails to catch such exceptions that a method it calls may throw.

If a class is declared without any access modifiers, where may the class be accessed?
A class that is declared without any access modifiers is said to have package or friendly access. This means that the class can only be accessed by other classes and interfaces that are defined within the same package.

What is the Map interface?
The Map interface replaces the JDK 1.1 Dictionary class and is used associate keys with values.

Does a class inherit the constructors of its super class?
A class does not inherit constructors from any of its superclasses.

Name primitive Java types.
The primitive types are byte, char, short, int, long, float, double, and Boolean.

Which class should you use to obtain design information about an object?
The Class class is used to obtain information about an object's design.

How can a GUI component handle its own events?
A component can handle its own events by implementing the required event-listener interface and adding itself as its own event listener.

How are the elements of a GridBagLayout organized?
The elements of a GridBagLayout are organized according to a grid. However, the elements are of different sizes and may occupy more than one row or column of the grid. In addition, the rows and columns may have different sizes.

What advantage do Java's layout managers provide over traditional windowing systems?
Java uses layout managers to lay out components in a consistent manner across all windowing platforms. Since Java's layout managers aren't tied to absolute sizing and positioning, they are able to accommodate platform-specific differences among windowing systems.

What are the problems faced by Java programmers who don't use layout managers?
Without layout managers, Java programmers are faced with determining how their GUI will be displayed across multiple windowing systems and finding a common sizing and positioning that will work within the constraints imposed by each windowing system.

What is the difference between static and non-static variables?
A static variable is associated with the class as a whole rather than with specific instances of a class. Non-static variables take on unique values with each object instance.

What is the difference between the paint() and repaint() methods?
The paint() method supports painting via a Graphics object. The repaint() method is used to cause paint() to be invoked by the AWT painting thread.

What is the purpose of the File class?
The File class is used to create objects that provide access to the files and directories of a local file system.

Why would you use a synchronized block vs. synchronized method?
Synchronized blocks place locks for shorter periods than synchronized methods

What restrictions are placed on method overriding?
Overridden methods must have the same name, argument list, and return type. The overriding method may not limit the access of the method it overrides. The overriding method may not throw any exceptions that may not be thrown by the overridden method.

What is casting?
There are two types of casting, casting between primitive numeric types and casting between object references. Casting between numeric types is used to convert larger values, such as double values, to smaller values, such as byte values. Casting between object references is used to refer to an object by a compatible class, interface, or array type reference.

Explain the usage of the keyword transient?
This keyword indicates that the value of this member variable does not have to be serialized with the object. When the class will be de-serialized, this variable will be initialized with a default value of its data type (i.e. zero for integers).

What class allows you to read objects directly from a stream?
The ObjectInputStream class supports the reading of objects from input streams.

How are this() and super() used with constructors?
this() is used to invoke a constructor of the same class. super() is used to invoke a superclass constructor.

How is it possible for two String objects with identical values not to be equal under the == operator? How are this() and super() used with constructors?
The == operator compares two objects to determine if they are the same objects in memory. It is possible for two String objects to have the same value, but located in different areas of memory.

What is an IO filter?
An IO filter is an object that reads from one stream and writes to another, usually altering the data in some way as it is passed from one stream to another.

What is the Set interface?
The Set interface provides methods for accessing the elements of a finite mathematical set. Sets do not allow duplicate elements.

How can you force garbage collection?
You can't force GC, but could request it by calling System.gc(). JVM does not guarantee that GC will be started immediately.

What is the purpose of the enableEvents() method?
The enableEvents() method is used to enable an event for a particular object. Normally, an event is enabled when a listener is added to an object for a particular event. The enableEvents() method is used by objects that handle events by overriding their event-dispatch methods.

What is the difference between the File and RandomAccessFile classes?
The File class encapsulates the files and directories of the local file system. The RandomAccessFile class provides the methods needed to directly access data contained in any part of a file.

What interface must an object implement before it can be written to a stream as an object?
An object must implement the Serializable or Externalizable interface before it can be written to a stream as an object.

What is the ResourceBundle class?
The ResourceBundle class is used to store locale-specific resources that can be loaded by a program to tailor the program's appearance to the particular locale in which it is being run.

How do you know if an explicit object casting is needed?
If you assign a superclass object to a variable of a subclass's data type, you need to do explicit casting. For example:
Object a; Customer b; b = (Customer) a;
When you assign a subclass to a variable having a supeclass type, the casting is performed automatically.

What is a Java package and how is it used?
A Java package is a naming context for classes and interfaces. A package is used to create a separate name space for groups of classes and interfaces. Packages are also used to organize related classes and interfaces into a single API unit and to control accessibility to these classes and interfaces.

How do you restrict a user to cut and paste from the html page?
Using Servlet or client side scripts to lock keyboard keys. It is one of solutions.

What are the Object and Class classes used for?
The Object class is the highest-level class in the Java class hierarchy. The Class class is used to represent the classes and interfaces that are loaded by a Java program.

What is Serialization and deserialization ?
Serialization is the process of writing the state of an object to a byte stream. Deserialization is the process of restoring these objects.

Explain the usage of Java packages.
This is a way to organize files when a project consists of multiple modules. It also helps resolve naming conflicts when different packages have classes with the same names. Packages access level also allows you to protect data from being used by the non-authorized classes.

Does the code in finally block get executed if there is an exception and a return statement in a catch block?
If an exception occurs and there is a return statement in catch block, the finally block is still executed. The finally block will not be executed when the System.exit(1) statement is executed earlier or the system shut down earlier or the memory is used up earlier before the thread goes to finally block.

Is Java a super set of JavaScript?
No. They are completely different. Some syntax may be similar.

What is a Container in a GUI?
A Container contains and arranges other components (including other containers) through the use of layout managers, which use specific layout policies to determine where components should go as a function of the size of the container.

How the object oriented approach helps us keep complexity of software development under control?
We can discuss such issue from the following aspects:
Objects allow procedures to be encapsulated with their data to reduce potential interference.
Inheritance allows well-tested procedures to be reused and enables changes to make once and have effect in all relevant places.
The well-defined separations of interface and implementation allow constraints to be imposed on inheriting classes while still allowing the flexibility of overriding and overloading.

What is polymorphism?
Polymorphism means "having many forms". It allows methods (may be variables) to be written that needn't be concerned about the specifics of the objects they will be applied to. That is, the method can be specified at a higher level of abstraction and can be counted on to work even on objects of un-conceived classes.

What is design by contract?
The design by contract specifies the obligations of a method to any other methods that may use its services and also theirs to it. For example, the preconditions specify what the method required to be true when the method is called. Hence making sure that preconditions are. Similarly, postconditions specify what must be true when the method is finished, thus the called method has the responsibility of satisfying the post conditions.
In Java, the exception handling facilities support the use of design by contract, especially in the case of checked exceptions. The assert keyword can be used to make such contracts.

What are use cases?
A use case describes a situation that a program might encounter and what behavior the program should exhibit in that circumstance. It is part of the analysis of a program. The collection of use cases should, ideally, anticipate all the standard circumstances and many of the extraordinary circumstances possible so that the program will be robust.

What is scalability and performance?
Performance is a measure of "how fast can you perform this task." and scalability describes how an application behaves as its workload and available computing resources increase.

What is the benefit of subclass?
Generally: The sub class inherits all the public methods and the implementation.
The sub class inherits all the protected methods and their implementation.
The sub class inherits all the default(non-access modifier) methods and their implementation.
The sub class also inherits all the public, protected and default member variables from the super class.
The constructors are not part of this inheritance model.

How to add menushortcut to menu item?
If you have a button instance called aboutButton, you may add menu short cut by calling aboutButton.setMnemonic('A'), so the user may be able to use Alt+A to click the button.

In System.out.println(),what is System,out and println,pls explain?
System is a predefined final class,out is a PrintStream object acting as a field member and println is a built-in overloaded method in the out object.

Can you write a Java class that could be used both as an applet as well as an application?
A. Yes. Add a main() method to the applet.

Can you make an instance of an abstract class? For example - java.util.Calender is an abstract class with a method getInstance() which returns an instance of the Calender class.
No! You cannot make an instance of an abstract class. An abstract class has to be sub-classed. If you have an abstract class and you want to use a method which has been implemented, you may need to subclass that abstract class, instantiate your subclass and then call that method.

What is the output of x > y? a:b = p*q when x=1,y=2,p=3,q=4?
When this kind of question has been asked, find the problems you think is necessary to ask back before you give an answer. Ask if variables a and b have been declared or initialized. If the answer is yes. You can say that the syntax is wrong. If the statement is rewritten as: x

What is the difference between Swing and AWT components?
AWT components are heavy-weight, whereas Swing components are lightweight. Heavy weight components depend on the local windowing toolkit. For example, java.awt.Button is a heavy weight component, when it is running on the Java platform for Unix platform, it maps to a real Motif button.

Why Java does not support pointers?
Because pointers are unsafe. Java uses reference types to hide pointers and programmers feel easier to deal with reference types without pointers. This is why Java and C-sharp shine.

Parsers? DOM vs SAX parser
Parsers are fundamental xml components, a bridge between XML documents and applications that process that XML. The parser is responsible for handling xml syntax, checking the contents of the document against constraints established in a DTD or Schema.
1. Tree of nodes
2. Memory: Occupies more memory, preffered for small XML documents
3. Slower at runtime
4. Stored as objects
5. Programmatically easy
6. Ease of navigation
1. Sequence of events
2. Doesn't use any memory preferred for large documents
3. Faster at runtime
4. Objects are to be created
5. Need to write code for creating objects
6. Backward navigation is not possible as it sequentially processes the document

Can you declare a class as private?
Yes, we can declare a private class as an inner class. For example,

class MyPrivate {
private static class MyKey {
String key = "12345";
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new MyKey().key);//prints 12345

What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy?
Shallow copy shares the same reference with the original object like cloning, whereas the deep copy get a duplicate instance of the original object. If the shallow copy has been changed, the original object will be reflected and vice versa.

Can one create a method which gets a String and modifies it?
No. In Java, Strings are constant or immutable; their values cannot be changed after they are created, but they can be shared. Once you change a string, you actually create a new object. For example:
String s = "abc"; //create a new String object representing "abc"
s = s.toUpperCase(); //create another object representing "ABC"

Why is multiple inheritance not possible in Java?
It depends on how you understand "inheritance". Java can only "extends" one super class, but can "implements" many interfaces; that doesn't mean the multiple inheritance is not possible. You may use interfaces to make inheritance work for you. Or you may need to work around. For example, if you cannot get a feature from a class because your class has a super class already, you may get that class's feature by declaring it as a member field or getting an instance of that class. So the answer is that multiple inheritance in Java is possible.

What's the difference between constructors and other methods?
Constructors must have the same name as the class and can not return a value. They are only called once while regular methods could be called many times.

What is the relationship between synchronized and volatile keyword?
The JVM is guaranteed to treat reads and writes of data of 32 bits or less as atomic.(Some JVM might treat reads and writes of data of 64 bits or less as atomic in future) For long or double variable, programmers should take care in multi-threading environment. Either put these variables in a synchronized method or block, or declare them volatile.

This class (IncrementImpl) will be used by various threads concurrently; can you see the inherent flaw(s)? How would you improve it?
public class IncrementImpl {
private static int counter = 0;
public synchronized void increment() {
public int getCounter() {
return counter;

The counter is static variable which is shared by multiple instances of this class. The increment() method is synchronized, but the getCounter() should be synchronized too. Otherwise the Java run-time system will not guarantee the data integrity and the race conditions will occur. The famous producer/consumer example listed at Sun's thread tutorial site will tell more.
one of solutions
public class IncrementImpl {
private static int counter = 0;
public synchronized void increment() {
public synchronized int getCounter() {
return counter;

What are the drawbacks of inheritance?
Since inheritance inherits everything from the super class and interface, it may make the subclass too clustering and sometimes error-prone when dynamic overriding or dynamic overloading in some situation. In addition, the inheritance may make peers hardly understand your code if they don't know how your super-class acts and add learning curve to the process of development.
Usually, when you want to use a functionality of a class, you may use subclass to inherit such function or use an instance of this class in your class. Which is better, depends on your specification.

Is there any other way that you can achieve inheritance in Java?
There are a couple of ways. As you know, the straight way is to "extends" and/or "implements". The other way is to get an instance of the class to achieve the inheritance. That means to make the supposed-super-class be a field member. When you use an instance of the class, actually you get every function available from this class, but you may lose the dynamic features of OOP

Two methods have key words static synchronized and synchronized separately. What is the difference between them?
Both are synchronized methods. One is instance method, the other is class method. Method with static modifier is a class method. That means the method belongs to class itself and can be accessed directly with class name and is also called Singleton design. The method without static modifier is an instance method. That means the instance method belongs to its object. Every instance of the class gets its own copy of its instance method.
When synchronized is used with a static method, a lock for the entire class is obtained. When synchronized is used with a non-static method, a lock for the particular object (that means instance) of the class is obtained.
Since both methods are synchronized methods, you are not asked to explain what is a synchronized method. You are asked to tell the difference between instance and class method. Of course, your explanation to how synchronized keyword works doesn't hurt. And you may use this opportunity to show your knowledge scope.

How do you create a read-only collection?
The Collections class has six methods to help out here:
1. unmodifiableCollection(Collection c)
2. unmodifiableList(List list)
3. unmodifiableMap(Map m)
4. unmodifiableSet(Set s)
5. unmodifiableSortedMap(SortedMap m)
6. unmodifiableSortedSet(SortedSet s)
If you get an Iterator from one of these unmodifiable collections, when you call remove(), it will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

Can a private method of a superclass be declared within a subclass?
Sure. A private field or method or inner class belongs to its declared class and hides from its subclasses. There is no way for private stuff to have a runtime overloading or overriding (polymorphism) features.

Why Java does not support multiple inheritance ?
This is a classic question. Yes or No depends on how you look at Java. If you focus on the syntax of "extends" and compare with C++, you may answer 'No' and give explanation to support you. Or you may answer 'Yes'. Recommend you to say 'Yes'.
Java DOES support multiple inheritance via interface implementation. Some people may not think in this way. Give explanation to support your point.

What is the difference between final, finally and finalize?
Short answer:
final - declares constant
finally - relates with exception handling
finalize - helps in garbage collection
If asked to give details, explain:
final field, final method, final class
try/finally, try/catch/finally
protected void finalize() in Object class

What kind of security tools are available in J2SE 5.0?
There are three tools that can be used to protect application working within the scope of security policies set at remote sites.
keytool -- used to manage keystores and certificates.
jarsigner -- used to generate and verify JAR signatures.
policytool -- used for managing policy files.
There are three tools that help obtain, list and manage Kerberos tickets.
kinit -- used to obtain Kerberos V5 tickets.
tklist -- used to list entries in credential cache and key tab.
ktab -- used to help manage entries in the key table.

How to make an array copy from System?
There is a method called arraycopy in the System class.
If the array is an array of primitive types, then all the elements of the array will be initialized to the default value corresponding to that primitive type. e.g. All the elements of an array of int will be initialized to 0, while that of Boolean type will be initialized to false. Whereas if the array is an array of references (of any type), all the elements will be initialized to null.


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