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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Easiest Way To Make Over $1,100 Monthly online


There are 2 versions of this guide, the silver edition & the gold edition.
This is the silver version and it’ll show you how to make over $1,100
monthly. The gold edition shows you how to make over $5,100
Along the way you’ll discover good affiliate programs & good traffic
generation techniques that you will use to make over $1,100 monthly.

Part 1 - Preparation
Affiliate Program
The first step in affiliate marketing is to find a good affiliate program to
Now I normally promote affiliate products that pay instantly. If I
generate a sale at 2:00 PM, I will be paid by paypal at exactly 2:00
They’re definitely the best affiliate programs out there. I reveal where
to find lots of affiliates products like these in the gold edition.
I also promote digital products from clickbank. There have lots of
digital products & services in almost every niche.
If you promote a product from clickbank, I recommend that you
choose one that has gravity of at least 25. You’ll find the gravity below
the product listing:

Nobody knows how the gravity is measured exactly. But several
experts say that a high gravity indicates that a lot of affiliates are
promoting the product. And since lots of affiliates are promoting the
product, one would assume that it converts well.
In case you don’t know, conversion rate is the calculation of sales &
If you send 100 unique visitors to an affiliate product & you make one
sale, then that product’s conversion rate is at 1%.

You should also look at the “refd” content of clickbank products. This
indicates how many sales have been generated by affiliates.
If the answer is 90%, then 90% of the sales for that product have
been generated by affiliates. Obviously this is a good sign since other
affiliates are making money from it.
Clickbank is good but finding a good product to promote can be a
tedious task especially for newbies.
Perhaps you should start by promoting another affiliate program like:
Their 5 pillar affiliate program is legendary. They pay good lifetime
commissions, and you can choose to be paid by paypal.
It’s good and I highly recommend it.
Nonetheless I still prefer affiliate programs with instant commissions,
because nothing is better than quick cash. But SBI! is great, especially
for long term income.
Copyright © 2010
After you choose an affiliate program you’ll have to buy a domain. I
recommend a .com domain. You can get one for about $9.
If you can’t afford that, then get a .info domain for $1 or so. I highly
recommend a .com domain though… it looks much more professional
than a .info domain.
Anyway, the domain name that you buy must be related to the niche
of the affiliate program you’re promoting.
If you promote SBI which is about websites, then buy a domain name
related to websites.
You can buy a domain name from moniker. They have a good
reputation and their prices are good.
After you buy it you must forward the domain to your affiliate link,
which you can find in your affiliate account.
If you don’t know how to do this, just search for it in the help section
of the website that you buy the domain from. It’s pretty easy.
Why Forward it Instead Of Creating My Own Website?
Creating your own website and promoting affiliate products on it has
its benefits but it also has its disadvantages.
Generating traffic to your own blog or website can be easier since you
can get traffic directly from search engines etc… but making money
with it will be more difficult since a lot of visitors will visit your website,
and leave it without clicking on your affiliate links.

In other words, you will lose plenty of traffic.
Whether you set up a website or drive traffic directly to your forwarded
link is your call. But if you want to see quick cash, then forwarding
your affiliate link to the affiliate product is the way to go.
Simple Calculation Before We Begin
If you’re going to promote SBI then you can earn multiple
(Taken from their site)
· Earn $75 for each Site Build It! ("SBI!") yearly subscription.
· Earn $125 for each SBI! eLearning sale.
· Earn $150-$250 for each SBI!-based SiteSell Services package.
· Receive an annual bonus commission on each SBI! renewal (our lifetime customer
· Even earn commissions from 2 tiers of income through sales made by your own team of
affiliates, just like Sales Directors do in large companies!
Let’s say that out of 100 people that you send to the site only 1
decides to pay for the yearly subscription. You will earn $75.

This means that if you send just 50 unique visitors daily you will earn
$1125 every month. And remember that we’re not calculating extra
sales here that pay $125 or $150-$250 per sale.
You’ll surely generate some of these extra sales when you refer a
couple of people.
Anyway, to make over $1100 monthly or even more, we need to send
50 unique visitors through our affiliate link, which is extremely easy.

Part 2 – FREE Traffic Generation
SUPER Article Marketing
Several people barely get any traffic from article marketing.
Because they’re going it wrong.
Several “internet marketers” teach it wrong, so I don’t really blame
newbies for doing it wrong.
Your main focus in this type of marketing should be to get as much
traffic as possible from each article that you write, because let’s face
it, writing articles is boring, and it’s much better to get 100s of
uniques daily from just a few articles instead of many.
Let’s start with the process.
Start with EZA…
First you have create the article. Remember you don’t have to create it
yourself… you can hire someone to do it for you. I always submit my
articles on first.
I do this because EZA is very picky, and they won’t accept the article
if they see that it has already been submitted somewhere else.
The article doesn’t have to be long at all, a 300-400 word article will
do just fine.
Before you start writing it, you’ll need to find a keyword related to
your niche. So, head over to google’s keyword tool and type in a ‘main
keyword’. Example: internet marketing.

Always make sure that you choose ‘exact match’! The other ones won’t
display the correct number of searches that a keyword gets. Not even
the exact match will give you the exact number, but it’ll be pretty
Search for a keyword that gets 300-1000 monthly searches.
If you get on the 1st place of google for a keyword that gets 500
searches monthly, then you’ll get approximately 300 uniques monthly
to your article.
With a good click through rate (I’ll show you how to get it soon
enough), you will get about 150 uniques monthly to your affiliate link,
which should result in a couple of sale (depends on the product)
So that’s already a couple of sales every month from EZA alone! And
also remember that you will probably get more traffic from EZA itself,
and some other sources.
I said 300-1000 because keywords that get more than 1000 searches
monthly will usually be too difficult to dominate with an article on
And besides, we will be getting traffic from other sources as well, so
we don’t need to focus all of our energy on EZA and SEO.

How to ensure google domination…
Simple, choose the keyword first and type it on google.
Take a look at the first 3 websites and check their Page rank
If their PR is 0 or 1, then go for it, because it’ll be very easy to land
your article on the top spot. If they have PR2-4, then you could still do
it *. If they have a PR of 5 and above, then I say forget it. You can still
get there but it’s not worth it, because it’ll take plenty of time.
* Now if the top websites have PR2-4, you can still outrank them, but
you’re going to have to do a little more work.
Download the SEO Quake Add-on (FREE) for firefox. Firefox is an
internet browser just like internet explorer but its way better for IMers.
Install the add-on, and type in your keyword again, on google. Click on
the website that’s on the first place. Go to ‘tools’, ‘SEOQuake’, and
click on page info.
There you will see plenty of interesting stats… But what you really
need to be looking at is the PR.
Haven’t we done that already?
No… earlier on we checked the PR of the website, NOT the PR of the
webpage that’s sitting on the first place. In case you didn’t know,
google doesn’t give a page rank to the website alone, it also gives PR
to its inner pages (example: can have a
different PR than
If the PR of that webpage is 0-2, then go for it… even if the website
has a PR of 2-4.
You can still give it a try if the website has PR5, and the webpage has
PR0. But you’ll probably be much better off if you search for another

Remember that EZA has a PR of 6. That’ll help you a lot in rankings.
Now it’s time for us to write the article. This part also plays a very
important role in rankings…
When you write your article, make sure that you include the keyword
in every place of the article (title, description, tags etc…) and make
sure that the article has a good keyword density. You can check
keyword density with software such as dupefree (there’s a free
Keyword density calculates how many times you used your keyword
throughout the article. And contrary to what many people think,
keyword density is very important.
You have to list your keyword in your article to show google that the
article is related that keyword.
A very important ranking tip…
Not a whole lot of people know this little trick. Ever see an article, or a
blog post that outranks another one, when this article has less PR, less
backlinks, and less keyword density than the other?
I bet you did see it… but you probably don’t mind it since you don’t
understand it.
You see… google revolves around relevancy.
That’s why they’re so successful in the first place. They want to give
their users the stuff that they want to find, the stuff that is the most
relevant to their search phrases.
· Lots of backlinks to an article shows google that the article is
probably good since it’s being shared on several places.
· A repeated keyword in the article (keyword density) will show
google that the article talks about that keyword, therefore, it’ll

be relevant to return that article in the search results for that
· Keyword in the title, description, and other places, will show
google even more that the article is related to that keyword.
Alright, I bet you already knew that stuff, but not a whole lot of people
know this stuff that I’m going to share right now…
Google is NOT stupid, and they know that IMers can game the system
by adding backlinks, writing the article with good keyword density and
stuff like that.
And guess what? Google doesn’t like that! They don’t want to have
their search results manipulated by IMers for their own financial gain.
They want everything to look natural.
Now how can they do that? How can they stop IMers from
manipulating their search results? Well the truth is, they can’t, and
they know they can’t.
Any kind of system can be manipulated, because in the end, the
human mind is superior.
Therefore, the only way for google to stop people from manipulating
its search results would be to hire people to check the system

And needless to say, that can’t happen since the amount of keywords
is infinite!
So, to cut things short, they continued to work on the keyword
‘relevancy’ system.
And… they started putting more faith in content that also has
keywords related to the keyword inside it.
Don’t understand?
Let’s say that you type in ‘make money online’ in google’s keyword
tool to find a suitable keyword with little competition. You choose:
‘make money online selling’

Now most people will start writing the article right now, and add that
keyword everywhere in the article. But that keyword alone is not
enough to give the article all the power needed to rank for that
keyword. You can give it a lot more power by adding related

Don’t mind the data for those related keyword, just add some of them
in the article along with the main keyword (in this case ‘make money
online selling’).
Google clearly did this to stop people from dominating their search
results with articles with good keyword density after several people
started abusing their system.
A naturally written article will usually have related keywords along with
a keyword.
But an article written by the average IMer will usually have good
keyword density… and little to no related keywords at all.
See what I mean? Make it look natural… just write a decent article,
with decent keyword density, with some related keywords in it.
Trust me when I say that you’ll have a much better chance to
dominate google if you follow these guidelines.
I’ve seen PR0 blogs that dominate google for a moderate-competition
keyword with a PR0 Webpage! Yes… they manage to beat high PR1,
PR2 and even PR3 blogs using these techniques!

Backlinking my way…
After the article goes live, it’ll be wise for you to backlink the article,
even if the article hits the first page after it goes live.
You don’t have to add a lot of backlinks though, since EZA is already a
very powerful directory.
I recommend that you add at least 10 dofollow backlinks (PR1+, the
higher the better). It shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes.
But, again, the webpage that you submit your article to has to be
PR1+ not the website. You see… a lot of people think that social
bookmarking is the most effective, lol, when in fact, social
bookmarking is barely effective.
I have to admit that I laugh when I see people asking for social
bookmarking sites with high page rank so that they can get a High PR
Just because you submit your site to a High PR website, that doesn’t
mean that you’re going to get a high PR backlink.
A site like may have a PR of 8, but you will NOT get a
PR8 backlink by bookmarking your site on digg
It’s the website (front page) that has PR8 not the inner pages
(example: your bookmarks). The inner pages will usually be PR0….
A very powerful backlink would be from a webpage that has high PR.
And there’s a very easy way to get these backlinks… blogs.
Type-in a moderately competitive keyword on google and search for
blog posts.
Click on the posts and check that webpage’s PR with SEO Quake. It
must be at least PR1.

Download the nodofollow add-on for firefox, and enable it. With this
tool, no follow links will be marked with red, while dofollow links will be
marked with light blue.
Check out the comments and if they’re dofollow, leave a comment with
a backlink to the article (Not in the comment, in the website field). Oh,
and make sure that your comment has some value so that the owner
of the blog doesn’t delete it.
Even if the article doesn’t dominate google…
Don’t worry too much about it, because I’ll soon show you how to get
more traffic from other sources.
Copyright © 2010
Better click through rates
It’s pretty useless to get traffic to an article if you can’t get a big
amount of that traffic to your affiliate link.
Therefore… high click through rate is very important
It’s very easy to get a high click through rate. All you have to do is
hype it up a little… hype always works.
When I take a look at articles on EZA, I notice that most of them have
‘stupid’ text in their resource box.
Sites like ezinearticles do not allow you to promote stuff in the article.
They’ll let you do that in the resource box.
Bad text in the resource box would be:
John doe is the CEO of if you want to find more
help, you can go to that website for advice


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