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Monday, December 20, 2010

pur3xclub CEO

Dear All

The most simple and powerful business opportunity in the world. Do share this opportunity

Pure3x offers a unique and lucrative business opportunity. Upon joining Pure3x, you can begin making money after bringing just 3 people into the club. Teach and mentor those 3 people to do the same and watch your business grow.

From pur3xclub CEO

Pure3x remains one of the few zero debt companies in the industry. Andrew has vowed not to personally draw any money from Pure3x for the remainder of 2010 putting all revenue earned into further development of branding, products and commissions to ensure the longevity and health of the company overall.

Pure3x is a debt free company, has excellent financial backing and an amazing line of healthy designer beverage products. All of this combined with the most powerful compensation plan on the market makes for the perfect Home Based Business for anyone!

Signup Free Now! Secure your Top Level Position, every minitue 100 of people are joining the club

Enroll Now
Pur3x has some of the most healthy and best tasting energy products in the world। Our products consistently beat the competition in taste, health and texture। Isn’t it time to super charge your day in a healthy way? Share our products with others and become part of the most simple and cutting edge compensation plan in the world। We pay YOU to have a healthier lifestyle, and we pay you well. Financial freedom awaits! Pur3x is a company with products specializing in all things energy. Our products won’t stop with just energy drinks either. We’re busy developing multiple energy based products including energy based vitamins, juices, bars and gels. Our products are delivered to the people by the people. It is through network marketing, word of mouth and the sharing of this great opportunity that thousands of people are becoming aware of Pur3x every day. Additionally, Pur3x developed one of the most simple and lucrative compensation plans in the industry today.The most powerful and simple business opportunity in the world

Pur3x has a 3 x 12 Matrix for its compensation plan. Each new distributor is expected to bring 3 others into his club, so that he can begin to earn money. Each new distributor he recruits can also recruit 3 others to work under them. Thus the structure builds up, and a distributor can begin to earn increasing amounts of money. A Pur3x member gets a new website which gives him all the techniques and business resources he may need. Money is earned through commissions

This Business Opportunity is going to change Millions of Lives around the world.

The Company

Pure3x, based in Salt Lake City, is a Designer Beverage Club dedicated to creating products that fulfill very specific health oriented needs. We set out with 2 goals in mind; to develop the first ever line of designer beverage products, all unique, all high end and all revolutionary, and to provide our distributors with the most simple and powerful business opportunity in the world.

Our name, Pure3x, is symbolic of the combination of quality products that represent purity and health as well as a compensation plan that emphasizes simplicity and pays you for bringing just 3 people into the club.

We recognize that the level of success achieved by our distributors is a direct reflection of our success. An emphasis on customer care, quality products, transparency and integrity along with the opportunity for anyone to achieve higher levels of financial success has put Pure3x into a category previously unknown in this industry.

Andrew Rinehart is the founder and CEO of Pure3x. His previous 2 ventures have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue each and generated multiple young multi millionaires. Andrew specializes in identifying powerful and growing market trends that have been previously plagued by poorly managed or under capitalized businesses.

The success of Pure3x can in part be attributed to a culture Andrew created of hard work, honesty, transparency and putting the distributor first। With a company wide goal for one million distributors and one billion dollars a year in revenue, Pure3x stands as Andrew's next huge success.

Andrew Rinehart, an American entrepreneur, currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah. Andrew specializes in identifying powerful and growing market trends that have been plagued by poorly managed and under-capitalized businesses in the past. Andrew has led dozens of companies that have driven hundreds of millions of dollars in sales in the indu...


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