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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Earning Potential

After creating Blogger just search for genuine pay per click programs in online.There is lot of pay per click porgram providers available in online.

Those are.....

Google AdSense
Yahoo Search Marketing/Overture
Microsoft adCenter
Search Feed
Atlas Search
Revenue Pilot
Click Area
Search Anyway
XML Revenue
Revenue Engine

By our opinion we suggest you google adsense one of the great way to start your own pay per click programs.There is a reason why we are suggesting you google adsense.We are doing the same pay per click programs for the past one year.They are sending genuine payment each and every google adsense publishers monthly in their local currency.

Here is Our last month Earning proof which offered by google.We hope you are getting the great information about online earnings about Pay Per Click Programs.

How Google Will Pays You ?

AdWords is the Google program that is the other end of Adsense. AdWords offers subscribers to pay for advertising on Google as both advertisements like text and banner ads. The ads are targeted to keywords (or) targeted for site on the web page or search results page that displays the advertisements. Those advertisers ads will be displayed in a appropriate caregory which based on the content of publisher websites. So google takes certain commsion from advertisers cost and remaining they will pay to website publisher who displaying those advertisements. This is Google’s one of the main revenue.

Apply Now for Google adsense Pay Per click प्रोग्राम

am also doing this pay per click (PPC) Google adsense program. Here i inform you there is no relationship between my educational career and this google adsense pay per click program. One year back i am searching opportunity like this pay per click program. Unexpectedly One day i know this pry per click programs through online when I searching for some other information.

In earlier days i really struggle to earn online through this pay per click opportunity.Working hard for over 60 days through online to collecting information about this opportunity and how to earn online more through this opportunity.After that now i am really earning more online through this opportunity.Here i provide you my Every Month Earnings through this pay per click opportunity.
Our March 2007 Earning through Pay Per Click Programs :
Our Feb 2007 Earning through Pay Per Click Programs :
Our Jan 2007 Earning through Pay Per Click Programs :

Apply Now for your Blogs :

After succesfully created your blogger check the broken links if you have anything in your blogger and always obey the terms and conditions of google adsense. Please avoid to click your own Google ads ,encouraging others to clicking your advertisements and clicking using other softwares and using Bots to click your ads are the against terms and conditions of google adsense.Always obey the Terms and Conditions of Google adsense.
If not you will be terminated from google adsense. Keep remember all the points we notified above and apply now for google adsense through Below Button as we described in the above image.

Where I can Apply ?

In this page End we have adsense referal button named Earn money showing relevent ads with google adsense button.You can signup through this button for google adsense.
Remember before apply to google adsense complete your blogger then apply to google adsense. Once you blogger or website getting ready you can apply for google adsense.When clicking the google adsense button below the adsense page will open as we described in the first screen shot.Then click signup button now as we indicated in red arrow.When clicks that button the another page will open as we shown in second screen shot.

These are the informations you must provide with this application.

Your Blogger name or website name

Website language

Account Type (If you are apply in your name select as individual)

Select Your Country

Payee name (For example your name is Peter... Don't Apply alone in the name of peter. Suffix your father name or your family name along with your name. Google only accept google publishers with first name and last name.. (Ex : Peter John)

Your Full address (Please provide genuine address.This detail will be used for correspondence with you like payments and sending your pin mailer later)

Agree the terms and conditions and click continue.

Then the page will appear as shown here.
In the first option enable
I have an email address and password that I already use with Google services like Adwords, Google Mail, Orkut or the personalised home page.
In the second option enable
I would like to use my existing Google account for AdSense.
Then enter your Existing gmail ID and password below.Then Click Continue.The adsense team will check the guidelines of your website or blogger and will reply you within 48-72 Hrs about your approval status of you gmail account.
After Getting approval from google adsense Here is the Video Demo How to add google adsense code inside your Blogger...


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