If you are looking to make money online you are joining a growing number of people from around the world who share the same dream, and there is no reason why you cannot join in the ever growing success stories that exist.
However although the internet can create many a dream it can also destroy many as well, unfortunately the statistics would suggest that it destroys more than it creates. The internet, otherwise known as the information superhighway as the name would suggest is full of information and information that can cause the number one online problem in my opinion and that is “information overload”
Many an online dream has faltered due to just having too much information and in essence individuals have become paralysed by not been able to make clear and concise decisions on the business model they should pursue. If I could provide any advice it would be to choose a business model as soon as possible, and not get distracted by the next big business idea.
If you can keep discipline and faith you have more chance of success! In truth all possible online business models have the potential tomake money online , but for all their possible differences they share one thing in common, and that is they all require hard work and commitment.
Yes, it is easy to believe otherwise with some sales pitches you see, but the most successful people have worked the hardest to get there. Coming back to business models, you will notmake money online unless you possess a business and promotional model that you follow consistently.
One of the most popular and often termed the easiest online business models is that of “Affiliate Marketing” This is where a product vendor pays money for an individuals promotions of the vendors product. Sounds simple right, and this may be true against other ways of conducting business online. However there are numerous ways of conducting affiliate marketing online and although the goal may be the same the methods used are some what different.
You will need to decide on your niche and consider early in your business to start building a list! Your list will be the foundations of your business that every thing else grows from. Popular models for building a list take the shape in the use of review sites and what is known as a squeeze page. The main purpose of these is to have a system of collecting name and email addresses of visitors to your site. In the case of the review site it will do exactly what the name suggests and provides a review of lets say three products.
The squeeze page will give away something for free in exchange for the visitors name and email address and on those details been supplied through what is known as an optin box, the visitor will often be taken to a pre-sell page for the affiliate product you would like to promote.
In having this system you are essentially ensuring that you control the destiny of your visitor rather than sending them straight to the vendors offer and subsequently losing then whether they buy the vendors product or not.
The squeeze page system is one of if not the most popular affiliate marketing system and still remains effective when done correctly. For most people new to the concept of how tomake money online it is reasonable to imagine that they will find their way into affiliate marketing, if they do they need to make sure they follow a business and promotional plan.